2023 Picnic Registration
Must Register Before July 14th
Welcome to Dangarwa Parivar of USA
Dangarwa Gaam Welcome
and Daughter's of dangarwa gaam
About Dangarwa
Dangarwa is a Village in Kadi Taluka in the Mahesana District of Gujarat State, India. It is located 30 KM towards the South of the District headquarters Mehsana. 22 KM from. 30 KM from State capital Gandhinagar.
Dangarwa Pin code is 382705 and the postal head office is in Dangarwa.
Tankiya ( 2 KM ), Hadvi ( 3 KM ), Karjisan ( 3 KM ), Ghumasan ( 4 KM ), and Juni Sedhavi ( 4 KM ) are the nearby Villages to Dangarwa. Dangarwa is surrounded by Kadi Taluka towards the west, Mahesana Taluka towards the North, Mansa Taluka towards the East, and Gandhinagar Taluka towards the East.
Kadi, Kalol, Mansa, and Gandhinagar are nearby Cities of Dangarwa.
This Place is on the border of the Mahesana District and Gandhinagar District. Gandhinagar District Kalol is South of this place. Also, it is on the Border of another district Ahmadabad.
Dangarwa's Local Language is Gujarati. Dangarwa Village Total population is 5355 and number of houses is 1129. The female Population is 47.8%. The village literacy rate is 74.0% and the Female Literacy rate is 32.1%.
Census ParameterCensus Data
Total Population - 5355
Real No of Houses - 1129
Female Population - %47.8 % ( 2558)
Real Literacy rate - %74.0 % ( 3964)
Female Literacy rate - 32.1 % ( 1720)
Scheduled Tribes Population - %0.0 % ( 2)
Designed Caste Population - %9.1 % ( 487)
Working Population - %35.6 %
Child (0 -6) Population by 2011 - 583
Girl Child(0 -6) Population % by 2011 - 48.5 % ( 283)
અમારા કાર્ય Dangarwa પરિવાર કલ્યાણ માટે એક પુલ તરીકે કરે છે. અમારો ધ્યેય પુનઃ જોડાણ ફરી જોડાઓ, પુનઃ જોડાવો અને કુટુંબ વચ્ચે અમારા પૂર્વજો સમૃદ્ધ વારસો યુએસએ રહે જાળવી રાખવા માટે છે. અમારી ફરજ અમારી સંસ્કૃતિ એક મજબૂત પાયો અને Dangarwa પરિવાર માટે બોન્ડ સાથે આગામી પેઢી વધારવા મદદ કરે છે. અમે માયાળુ Dangarwa પરિવારના બધા સભ્યો વિનંતી આ વેબસાઇટ પર ઓનલાઇન ડિરેક્ટરી ફોર્મ ભરો દરેકને યુએસએ દરમ્યાન જોડાયેલ રહેવા મદદ કરવા માટે કૃપા કરીને.
Our task is to perform as a bridge to the welfare of Dangarwa Parivar. Our goal is to reunite, re-join, reconnect and preserve the rich heritage of our ancestors among family that resides in the USA. Our duty is to help raise the next generation with a strong foundation of our culture and a bond to Dangarwa Parivar. We kindly request all members of Dangarwa Parivar to please fill out the online directory form on this website to help everyone stay connected throughout the USA.